Sacred Way Sanctuary’s “Native American Horse Preservation Program” is run in partnership with Sacred Healing Circle (SHC), a New Mexico-based 501c3 nonprofit organization. Our organizations have joined forces to achieve the following goals: sponsor and conduct genetic and other scientific research regarding the Indigenous horse of the Americas; preserve the endangered Indigenous Horse of the Americas (sometimes also referred to as the Native American horse, the Native horse, or the Native pony); select caretakers for the horses that are part of our NHPP; and create alliances throughout the equine community, tribal Nations, and other educational and historical organizations.

Spring is an exciting time here at Sacred Way Sanctuary, as many rare and beautiful foals are born. Each year we select tribal and community leaders, organizations, families, and individuals that are interested in raising and preserving these very special and unique creatures and becoming part of our “Caretaker Family.” Currently, we have roughly 25-35 foals that are born each year.
Sacred Way Sanctuary does not sell horses. We are dedicated to preserving, protecting, and educating others about the unique history and character of these traditional Native horses, as well as helping those who caretake them to learn about them from a very different perspective.
Each of our caretakers is asked to sign a simple, one page contract. This contract shows the following: that you (the caretaker) have title to the horses; you agree not to sell the horses; you agree not to geld the stallion unless you have specific written permission from Sacred Way Sanctuary; and in the event that you can no longer care for the horses (for whatever reason), you (the caretaker) agree to help to place those horses with a person/people who agree to abide to the same criteria. This contract serves as protection for you and for your horses.
The majority of our foals are “medicine horses,” which means their instinct and capacity to help others heal is strong. In such cases, we are looking to match those horses with the person or people who are ready to receive them and create a relationship with them. Our caretakers play an integral part in preserving the Native American horse and restoring a healing balance to the world.
Each Sacred Way Sanctuary foal is part of a PhD research project on the Native American horse. Therefore, their tribal lineage, birth dates, and “family history” have been carefully recorded, in some cases as far back as the early 1800s. We have foals from Lakota, Nakota, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Mayan, Choctaw, Cherokee, Kiowa, Apache, Ojibwe, Ute, Pueblo and many other Native American horse lines.
Our foals and horses are placed in the following combinations:
1. A pair of horses (1 male and 1 female)
2. A herd of 4 horses (1 male and 3 females)
3. A larger herd of horses (1 male and 6 females)

Becoming a caretaker can be a life-changing experience. It is a beautiful responsibility if approached with an open heart and a willingness to learn.
Hear what current caretakers have to say in our video!

Click here to inquire about participating in the program or email us at caretakerprogram@gmail.com.